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Multilanguage archetypes

Stuff I think is interesting, cool, or otherwise worth sharing™️.

Categories: ’enumerate’ ‘categories’ ‘you’ ‘use’ ‘here’

Tags: ’emumerate’ ‘your’ ‘oft’ ‘used’ ’tags’ ‘here’

hugo new 2024/April/ --kind brk/wplblog hugo new 2024/April/ --kind wplblog

or… to save on postage

title=hugo-tips; K=wplblog; PFX="date +%Y/%B/%Y-%m-%d-${title}" ; hugo new ${PFX}.md –kind ${K} && hugo new ${PFX} –kind brk/${K}

then, you'll have an easy near-one-liner to adapt for any style of post.

Set the environment var `title` in the first bit;
and the variable K to the `kind` which aligns with the filename in your archetypes folder.
then iterate through the 'default' lang, and any other language you want to generate content for.

There's likely a better way to do this that I'm just not aware of yet.

Git_Repos/ (wpl_main)$ title=Hugo-Tips; K=wplblog; PFX="`date +%Y/%B/%Y-%m-%d-`${title}" ;hugo new  ${PFX}.md --kind ${K} && hugo new ${PFX} --kind brk/${K}
Content "/Users/loiosh/NextCloud/Git_Repos/" created
Content "/Users/loiosh/NextCloud/Git_Repos/" created

edit, post, repeat.