๐ / Snippits & Exemplars/ WolfspyreLabs Exemplars/ WolfspyreLabs Shortcodes/ WPLDebug/ WPLDebug For those days when everything that could go wrong…. These shortcodes pretty-print various page-scoped objects.. Hopefully they make debugging a thing a lil easier. wpldebug-page # Function: emits the entire .Page object. Usage: {{< wpldebug-page >}} Click here to see the output โ DEBUG: .Page "This Noworky: $.Page " wpldebug-pageparams # Function: display the page parameters Usage: {{< wpldebug-pageparams >}} Click here to see the output โ DEBUG: .Page.Params { "cardview": true, "cardviewscreenwidth": true, "cascade": { "cardview": true, "cardviewscreenwidth": true, "groupbyyear": false, "layoutbackgroundblur": true, "showauthor": false, "showbreadcrumb": true, "showcards": true, "showcontributors": false, "showcontributorsbadges": false, "showdate": false, "showhero": true, "showreadingtime": false, "showsummary": true, "showwordcount": false }, "contributors": [ "evey-noblewise" ], "date": "2023-09-01T00:00:00-05:00", "description": "Debugging shortcodes", "draft": false, "externalfeaturedimage": "Wolfspyre_Logo.svg", "groupbyyear": false, "herostyle": "background", "iscjklanguage": false, "lastmod": "2023-09-01T00:00:00-05:00", "layoutbackgroundblur": true, "paginate": 20, "patternenable": true, "publishdate": "2023-09-01T00:00:00-05:00", "series": [ "WolfspyreLabs Shortcodes" ], "series_order": 30, "showauthor": false, "showauthorbadge": true, "showauthorimage": true, "showbreadcrumb": true, "showbreadcrumbs": true, "showcards": true, "showcontributors": false, "showcontributorsbadges": false, "showcontributorspictures": true, "showdate": false, "showhero": true, "showreadingtime": false, "showsummary": true, "showtableofcontents": false, "showtaxonomies": false, "showwordcount": false, "slug": "wpldebug", "summary": "Shortcodes useful for debuggin", "tags": [ "WolfspyreLabs", "Hugo", "Debug", "Shortcodes" ], "title": "WPLDebug", "weight": 30 } wpldebug-pageresources # Function: display the page’s resources Usage: {{< wpldebug-pageresources >}} Click here to see the output โ wpldebug-pageresourcesThis page has no resources. Nothing to show! wpldebug-siteauthor # Function: display the site author Usage: {{< wpldebug-siteauthor >}} Click here to see the output โ DEBUG: .Site.Author {} wpldebug-siteconfig # Function: display the site config Usage: {{< wpldebug-siteconfig >}} Click here to see the output โ DEBUG: .Site.Config { "Privacy": { "Disqus": { "Disable": false }, "GoogleAnalytics": { "Disable": false, "RespectDoNotTrack": false }, "Instagram": { "Disable": false, "Simple": false }, "Twitter": { "Disable": false, "EnableDNT": false, "Simple": false }, "Vimeo": { "Disable": false, "EnableDNT": false, "Simple": false }, "YouTube": { "Disable": false, "PrivacyEnhanced": false }, "X": { "Disable": false, "EnableDNT": false, "Simple": false } }, "Services": { "Disqus": { "Shortname": "" }, "GoogleAnalytics": { "ID": "" }, "Instagram": { "DisableInlineCSS": false, "AccessToken": "" }, "Twitter": { "DisableInlineCSS": false }, "X": { "DisableInlineCSS": false }, "RSS": { "Limit": -1 } } } wpldebug-sitedata # Function: display the data object. Takes an optional keyname. will constrain matches to the keyname. Usage: {{< wpldebug-sitedata >}} Click here to see the output โ wplDEBUG: .Site.Data { "brk_quotes": { "quotes": [ { "quote": "๐ถ๐ If ya wanna make new friends, pee on them" }, { "quote": "โDon't panic, it's only a cat!โ" }, { "quote": "โA rolling toy is worth chasing.โ" }, { "quote": "Walk'n Words โThe struggle is real, my furriends, especially when there's a small legged creature holding the leash.โ" }, { "quote": "โAll you need in life is another pup... and an endless supply of treats!โ" }, { "quote": "โWhen guests arrive, always welcome them with exuberance and a healthy dose of slobber. That's what they're there for!โ" }, { "quote": "The golden rule as told by Toothless the Pug: โEat, sleep, snuggle, repeat.`โ" }, { "quote": "โA bone is not just a treat, it's a statement of love and commitment.โ" }, { "quote": "โLife's too short for bad walks - make them long and sniffy!โ" }, { "quote": "โIf it doesn't smell right, don't eat it, **ROLL IN IT!**. You haven't lived until you've had a good roll in dead fish.โ" }, { "quote": "โStop trying to make 'sit'happen. Just lay down already!โ" }, { "quote": "โThe secret to a happy life: sleep, eat, play, repeat. Don't overthink it!โ" }, { "quote": "โYou think those squirrels are cute? We see right through their fuzzy tailed antics.โ" }, { "quote": "โSometimes the best toy is an old shoe. Or someone else's new shoe. Shoes are just.. well... PAWsome!โ" }, { "quote": "โDon't judge a dog by its breed. We're all individuals with unique spirits and tails to wag.โ" }, { "quote": "โLife's greatest luxury? Rolling in the mud and then getting a full body scrub down. Luxury spa experience, right here!โ" }, { "quote": "โDonโt worry, barking is normal and means a visitor arrives! Unless you live alone... then it's just an annoying habit.โ" }, { "quote": "โA real friend will always scratch your ears, even if they're not the right height.โ" }, { "quote": "โYou think owning me was a good idea? I'm a fur coat with an attitude AND separation anxiety!โ" }, { "quote": "โIf it smells like pee, itโs probably pee.โ" }, { "quote": "โThe best part of fetching is obviously the treats. You humans are so easily tricked!โ" }, { "quote": "โYou have one job: feed me. Why do I keep hearing the word โdietโ?โ" }, { "quote": "โWhen in doubt, lick your privates. It's a very satisfying solution!โ" }, { "quote": "โIf it fits in my mouth, it's mine. That's just the way it goes.โ" }, { "quote": "โYou humans put way too much emphasis on sticks. They're fun to fetch, sure, but not that exciting.โ" }, { "quote": "โThe world is your toilet, use it wisely.โ" }, { "quote": "โDon't ever let them take you to a place with 'groom' in the title. It's a traumatic experience, trust me.โ" }, { "quote": "โYou gotta keep โem on their toes - randomly bark at 3am just to remind them whoโs boss!โ" }, { "quote": "โLife is short. Chase squirrels, love unconditionally, and pee on stuff.โ" }, { "quote": "โDon't bite the hand that feeds you, but gently lick it and ask for more treats.โ" }, { "quote": "โWhen in doubt, bark. Loudly.โ" }, { "quote": "โThe best toys are the ones you're not supposed to have.โ" }, { "quote": "โIf it's not a toy, don't chew it. Unless it smells really interesting.โ" }, { "quote": "โAlways ask for belly rubs; you never know when one might actually say yes.โ" }, { "quote": "โFood steals the heart: Try cute eyes and a sad face if words fail you.โ" }, { "quote": "โRunning with your tongue out is the ultimate multi-tasking - cooling down and having fun!โ" }, { "quote": "โNo matter how small, every dog has its day, so bark yours with confidence.โ" }, { "quote": "โA good nap in the sun is a successful mission.โ" }, { "quote": "โ'Sit' and 'Stay' are code words for getting what you want from humans.โ" }, { "quote": "โThe grass is always greener... and tastier... on the other side of the fence.โ" }, { "quote": "โAn unexpected scratch behind the ear can bring as much joy as a well-earned treat.โ" }, { "quote": "โA quick snoot snuggle can diffuse even the harshest of human disagreements.โ" }, { "quote": "โThere's no such thing as too many friends, especially if they all have different kinds of toys.โ" }, { "quote": "โLife is a series of walks, naps, and treats. Savor them equally.โ" }, { "quote": "โAny day that starts with a belly rub is a blessed day indeed.โ" }, { "quote": "โThe world is a sniffing trail, full of exciting scents and mysterious territories to mark.โ" }, { "quote": "โPlayful nips are the best way to show affection, especially when company comes over.โ" }, { "quote": "โYou're never fully dressed without a collar accessory.โ" }, { "quote": "โFetch is not a suggestion, it's an essential daily activity, second only to nap time.โ" }, { "quote": "โHumans may hug, but nothing beats a good dogpile for warmth and camaraderie.โ" }, { "quote": "โThe more people I meet, the more I love my dog.โ" }, { "quote": "โA true friend will fetch you when your favorite toy gets stuck under the couchโ" }, { "quote": "โDon't judge me by my breed; Judge me by my snuggles.โ" }, { "quote": "โIf barking doesn't solve it, increase the volume.โ" }, { "quote": "โYou think this fur is water-resistant? Hold my beer." }, { "quote": "โThe ultimate comfort: A full tummy and a sunny spot to nap in.โ" }, { "quote": "โNo mountain too high, no squirrel too fast - we chase our dreams!" }, { "quote": "โA dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do... And that usually involves peeing on stuff.โ" }, { "quote": "โLife is short; Chase the ball, not your tail.โ" }, { "quote": "โThe most excellent adventure: A trip to the vet. No really, it's an exciting sensory overload!โ" }, { "quote": "โPlay nice and you might get some ice cream - life's sweetest rewards.โ" } ] }, "brk_titles": { "titles": [ { "title": "Barkers about Science" }, { "title": "Canine Conundrums" }, { "title": "Canine Maxims" }, { "title": "Dogma with a Twist" }, { "title": "Dogma with Wag" }, { "title": "Fetching Axioms" }, { "title": "Treatises of Taste" }, { "title": "Fluffy Philosophies" }, { "title": "Furreal Wisdom" }, { "title": "Furrealism" }, { "title": "Furry Fact" }, { "title": "Growls of Reasoning" }, { "title": "Hairy Homilies" }, { "title": "Howling Homilies" }, { "title": "Pawlitics and Pawlicies" }, { "title": "Paw-lems and Solutions" }, { "title": "paw-some proclamation" }, { "title": "Pawlitudes" }, { "title": "Pawsome Proverbs" }, { "title": "Pup Pronouncements" }, { "title": "Puparisms" }, { "title": "Puppaccinos of Perception" }, { "title": "Pupperistics" }, { "title": "Ruff Drafts of Wisdom" }, { "title": "Tail Talk Truths" }, { "title": "The Canine Code" }, { "title": "The Pawspective Pact" }, { "title": "The Tao of Tail-Waggin" }, { "title": "Truthy Tails" }, { "title": "Wags of Wisdom" }, { "title": "Woof World Sayings" }, { "title": "Woof World Views" }, { "title": "Dogma with a Playful Twist" }, { "title": "The Furry Philosopher's Guide" }, { "title": "Tailored Tales for the Dog Park" }, { "title": "Hounds of Wisdom, Tails of Experience" }, { "title": "Woof World Views and Puptisms" }, { "title": "A Puppers' Perspective: BARKing Madness" }, { "title": "Through a Canine Lens: The Woofy Web" } ] }, "colorPalette": { "alphaLevels": [ "50", "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900", "950" ], "colorNames": [ "primary", "secondary", "neutral", "black", "slate", "gray", "zinc", "neutral", "stone", "pink", "rose", "red", "orange", "amber", "yellow", "lime", "light-green", "green", "emerald", "teal", "cyan", "light-blue", "sky", "blue", "indigo", "derpurple", "violet", "purple", "fuchsia", "white" ] }, "congo": { "colorWeights": { "neutral": "400", "primary": "600", "secondary": "400" }, "fallbackWeight": "100", "themeColors": [ { "cherry": { "neutral": "neutral", "primary": "rose", "secondary": "green" } }, { "congo": { "neutral": "gray", "primary": "violet", "secondary": "fuchsia" } }, { "fire": { "neutral": "stone", "primary": "orange", "secondary": "rose" } }, { "ocean": { "neutral": "slate", "primary": "blue", "secondary": "cyan" } }, { "sapphire": { "neutral": "slate", "primary": "indigo", "secondary": "pink" } }, { "avocado": { "neutral": "stone", "primary": "lime", "secondary": "emerald" } }, { "slate": { "neutral": "gray", "primary": "slate", "secondary": "gray" } }, { "wpl": { "neutral": "stone", "primary": "sky", "secondary": "derpurple" } } ] }, "contributors": { "anni-wise": { "bio": "Has anyone seen my mind? I swear it was right here a second ago....", "byline_title": [ { "default": "god" }, { "en": "Fearless Leader" }, { "brk": "Mom" } ], "fullname": [ { "default": "Annรฏ Wise" }, { "en": "Anni Wise" }, { "brk": "Anni AntiSnack WalksUsALot" } ], "headline": "Judging a book by its cover is about as reliable as rating a meal by its' plate.", "image": "img/contributors/anni-wise/anni.jpg" }, "atticus-skwirrelbane": { "bio": [ { "default": "Short Tails Rule" }, { "en": "- Distinguished Author\n- Loyal companion\n- * Survivor of the \u003cb\u003eSquirrel uprising\u003c/b\u003e of 13." }, { "brk": "๐ Distinguished Author:\nPawsitively pawsome at penning pup-lit! ๐พ๐\n๐ช๏ธ Survivor of the Squirrelpocalypse (2013):\nSkwirrwl uprising? Pfft, just another nutty day in the park! ๐ฆด๐ณ\n๐ฝ Expert in Elevated Evacuation:\nMaster of high-altitude relief,\nno tree too tall for this poop-et laureate! ๐ฒ๐ฉ๐พ\n๐ Agility Champion: Leaps tall fences and chases squirrels for fun! ๐ ๏ธ๐จ๐ฟ๏ธ\n๐ PhD in Napping:\nCertified expert in power naps and sunbathing snoozes. ๐ด๐๐\n๐ค Ambassador of Furry Friendships:\nBreaking barriers, one pawshake at a time! ๐พ๐๐ถ๐ฑ๐ฆ" } ], "byline_title": [ { "default": "dog" }, { "en": "ShortTail" }, { "brk": "Agent ShortTail" } ], "firstname": [ { "default": "Atticus" }, { "brk": "รTTรKลชล " } ], "headline": "When I was a Street Dog, I had my food stolen by Skwirrelz... I still don't trust them...", "image": "img/contributors/atticus-skwirrelbane/atticus.jpg", "joindate": "2021-01-01", "lastname": [ { "en": "SkwirrelBane" }, { "default": "SkwirrelBane" }, { "brk": "Eichhรถrnchen-Fluch" } ], "middlename": [ { "default": "the" }, { "brk": "der" } ] }, "evey-noblewise": { "bio": "princess peeveypants", "byline_title": [ { "default": "dog" }, { "en": "LongTail" }, { "brk": "Queen Bee" } ], "fullname": "Evey Noblewise", "headline": "My favorite medium is Kleenex. Don't judge. My Pack is the best.", "image": "img/contributors/evey-noblewise/evey.png" }, "penny-wise": { "bio": "Are you going to eat that?", "byline_title": [ { "default": "dog" }, { "en": "Sunflower" }, { "brk": "ENTHUSIAST" } ], "fullname": "Penny Wise", "headline": "PLAY WITH ME!", "image": "img/contributors/penny-wise/penny.png", "middlename": "" }, "wolf-noble": { "bio": [ { "default": "Mad Scientist" }, { "en": "Mad Scientist" }, { "brk": "Mad Scientist" } ], "byline_title": [ { "default": "Bitmines Employee of the day." }, { "en": "Digital Mop Driver" }, { "brk": "Minion" } ], "fullname": "Wolf Noble", "headline": [ { "default": "Everything, Nothing, and Anything." }, { "brk": "Employee of the day at WolfspyreLabs" } ], "image": "img/contributors/wolf-noble/wolf.webp", "join_date": "2014-01-01" } }, "properties": { "propertylist-shortcode-demo": { "properties": [ { "description": "Dummy description of the prop1 string property.", "name": "prop1", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { 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