The WolfspyreLabs Blog / 2024 / Posts from April / Hugo Tips / Hugo Tips Making it a bit easier to get thoughts out™️. So, in trying to make it easier to get content shipped easier, I’ve been working to glue together several moving parts into a somewhat cohesive set of scaffolding to deploy a site like the one you’re interacting with. The scaffold consists of several gitlab projects bringing the disparate pieces of Hugo TailwindCSS Congo GitLab-CI Docker Nginx our own tooling On one hand, it’s pretty neat that it all fits together. On the other, there’s quite a few moving pieces and sore spots. I’ll be writing more over the coming time about how all these pieces fit together, as I also work to refine the scaffold itself… as mentioned elsewhere, this is really just the first functional amalgam of the pieces, and a lot of stuff isn’t quite fully functional yet… but hey… that’s what innovatitively aligned projects are all about, right? This post in specific, however was intended to cover a post I found by The Tech Teapot1 He’s got a couple neat scripts on his Github project2 which look interesting: CheckLinks # #!/usr/bin/env bash # Check all internal links on the dev site # default port used when `hugo serve` command is used SITE_URL="http://localhost:1313" # Start the test server in daemon mode # so as not to block the script docker-compose up -d # Wait for the test server to start up until $(curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail $SITE_URL/); do printf '.' sleep 1 done # To check external links add: # --ignore-url= \ # --check-extern \ docker run --rm -it --network="host" -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \ \ --ignore-url=/dist --no-status \ $SITE_URL/ docker-compose down CheckSitemap # #!/usr/bin/env bash # Validate the contents of the sitemap # See for inspiration SITEMAP_URI="/sitemap.xml" SITEMAP_URL="http://localhost:1313"$SITEMAP_URI # Start the test server docker-compose up -d # Wait for the test server to start up until $(curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail $SITEMAP_URL); do printf '.' sleep 1 done curl -s $SITEMAP_URL | \ grep -e loc | \ sed 's|<loc>\(.*\)<\/loc>$|\1|g' | \ xargs -I {} curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\n" {} | \ grep -v ^200 docker-compose down Will have to check these out more later! ↩︎ ↩︎