The WolfspyreLabs Blog / 2022 / December / Extend the session timeout in TrueNAS Scale / Extend the session timeout in TrueNAS Scale This is something that other people have come up with workarounds for already. #As explained in this Github comment1, and raised in This Issue2 on IXsystems’ Jira instance… …Which has been superceded by this ticket3. …and subsequently turned into an improved one-liner, and documented on Tom Schlicks Blog4 … BUT STILL NOT FIXED… I figured I’d save the one-liners Tom made here for posterity TrueNAS Scale # TrueNAS Scale sed one-liner sed -i 's/auth.generate_token",\[300/auth.generate_token",\[129600/g' /usr/share/truenas/webui/*.js TrueNAS CORE # TrueNAS CORE sed one-liner sed -ie 's/auth.generate_token",\[300/auth.generate_token",\[129600/g' /usr/local/www/webui/*.js Thanks to TOM SCHLICK for making this easy for me!! ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎