The WolfspyreLabs Blog / 2021 / October / Deactivate all Ceph OSDs on a node. / Deactivate all Ceph OSDs on a node. Disabling Ceph OSDs on a node for maintenance # Oh wow this is a pain in the ass #So, I needed to do some infra maintenance. and quickly discovered that the process of safely offlining the OSDs on a node was taking forever. Scriptification for the win #The steps we need to take are fairly simple. The Steps to automate: # Set ceph to not freak out about offline OSDs โ `ceph osd set noout` Which gets us the response: `noout is set` Enumerate all the local OSDs โ ```bash for osd in `ls -lA /var/lib/ceph/osd|awk '/ceph/{print $9}'|sed -e 's/ceph-//'`; do echo $osd; done ``` Stop each OSD โ ```bash service ceph-osd@OSD_NUMBER_HERE stop ``` Clear to perform Maintenance โ *Lets get to it, Shall we?* shutdown -h now Do the needful โ *perform maintenance* Bring it all back online โ *press power button* Disable Noout โ ```bash ceph osd set noout ``` --- Tie it all together #for osd in `ls -lA /var/lib/ceph/osd|awk '/ceph/{print $9}'|sed -e 's/ceph-//'`; do echo $osd; service "ceph-osd@${osd}" stop >/dev/null 2>&1 & for i in `seq 1 3`; do echo -n '.' ; sleep 1; done; echo; done Do Maintenance here Start node back up Validate ceph is healthy /usr/bin/watch /usr/bin/ceph status Disable Noout ceph osd set noout